Interesting Astronomy Content on the Web

Timelapse videos

Timelapse of the Past

An excellent video showing a timelapse of the Universe from the Big Bang to the present day.

Timelapse of the Future

The sequel to the previous video showing a timelapse of our future from the present day to the "end" of the Universe.

Amateur Astronomy Apps


Augmented reality app that shows the positions of stars, planets, and a couple of satellites.

Astronomy Content I've Created


Space Adventure Game

A text-based choose your own adventure game where you are a space traveller stranded in space. Returning home safely means putting your Astrophysics knowledge to the test!

It is a simple Microsoft Powerpoint file with clickable links that I made for a science outreach course. The goal was to create a fun and accessible tool to get non-astronomers interested in Astronomy.

Python Tools for Astronomers

Estimating fluxes and ratios and plotting spectra using ALMA Data

Calculate electron density from ratio of [OIII] 52 to [OIII] 88 micron luminosity

Link to GitHub page with iPython notebook "OIII_ne.ipynb"

Calculate fluxes, luminosities, uncertainties, and their ratios for ALMA line (moment-0) and continuum maps

Link to GitHub page with iPython notebook "flux_uncert_calc.ipynb"

Make a spectrum from an ALMA fits cube and plot it

Link to GitHub page with iPython notebook "mk_spec.ipynb"

Convert between coordinate conventions

Convert coordinates in degrees to hexagesimal and vice versa

Link to GitHub page with iPython notebook "convert_coordinates.ipynb"